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Spring Common Academy Receives An Ungraded Ofsted Inspection

In May 2024, Ofsted conducted an ungraded inspection of Spring Common Academy. The report was released in June 2024, and can be viewed here

We were delighted to received the following comments that truly represent Spring Common Academy at its heart. 

"Pupils are the beating heart of the school. Warmth and kindness shine through as pupils and adults enjoy being in each other’s company. Smiles are aplenty in classrooms, playgrounds and corridors. Pupils develop friendships with one another, with older pupils keeping a close eye out for their younger peers. All receive high-quality support to meet their physical and social needs."

"The wider opportunities which pupils receive are of an extremely high quality. Whether raising money for local charities, serving in the popular school shop or attending an overseas trip to Belgium, pupils are skilfully guided to learn about the wider world and the important part they play in it, now and in the future."

"The relatively new leadership team has quickly gained the trust of staff, parents and pupils. Leaders have a clear and accurate view of the school’s strengths and development areas and have set about 
putting improvements in place with gusto." June, 2024

Headteacher, Rebecca Greig, shared the following communication with the Spring Common Academy community; 

"Dear Parents and Carers, 

I am contacting you to share the Ofsted report from when inspectors visited the school on the 8th and 9th May. I have attached it for you to read. You will see that there are many very positive comments such as "Pupils are the beating heart of the school" and "wider opportunities are of extremely high quality." We also have areas in which we need to improve, which are the Early Years provision and consistency with good and better teaching and learning. There is a plan in place to address both of these areas and work has begun. 

Overall, there is so much to celebrate within the report and the inspection process was very positive in school. The inspectors took time to observe lessons and interact with pupils and students, taking their views into account. It is pleasing that they found Safeguarding to be effective and that "pupils are safe in school."

I have written a symbolised letter to pupils and students to let them know the key points in the report and will also talk about it at assembly. I have met with staff in school and shared the report and sent it to Governors and Trustees. 

I am holding an open morning for any parent/carer who would like to drop in and discuss the report, comment or ask questions about it.  This will be Tuesday 11th June 9:30-11:00am. I will be delighted to speak to you about it and answer questions. Please email Lorraine (copied in) if you would like to drop in, so I have an idea of numbers. All are very warmly welcome."

Here at Horizons Education Trust we are delighted to read the positive feedback, and to see the recognition of the impact our leadership team are having since their ascension in Spring, 2024. We look forward to supporting their continued growth and development, as a part of Horizons Education Trust.